September 6, 2011

weekend recap.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Is it just me, or was blogland super quiet yesterday? It was almost eerie. Like ghost town eerie (cue creepy squeaking doors now).

Anyway, here's a glimpse into my weekend. It involved blackberry picking, dahlias, and a Burgerville excursion. And yes, I'm going to take a minute to talk about fast food. And it's only because Burgerville is NW based and uses local food (i.e. Tillamook products--my favorite cheese, yogurt, and ice cream brand). And because we (my family and I) really loved the blackberry milkshakes and Walla Walla onion rings. Just saying.

Okay, enough talk about food. I must move on.





So, how was your weekend? Eat anything yummy? Take any good photos? I'd love to know!

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