May 7, 2012

tourists and capturing the little things.

I'm hoping this nice weather sticks around until next weekend. Because I've been trying to push myself to take photos more. Not just on the tenth of each month or one special occasions/holidays. I want to take more photos of the little things. Which includes weekends (because seriously, they are WAY too short these days!).

It'll be a struggle because I'm not a big photo-taker-in-public-places kind of person. Maybe it's because I don't want to look like a tourist? I don't know. It's just a bad habit of mine.

So I'm hoping that writing about it will somehow help me overcome this fear.

And I must say, taking photos of my Sunday outfits (which I somehow didn't get to this week) has really helped me fashion-wise. Or at least in my opinion...

Anyway, here's what I did this weekend:



Vacuumed. Then took a photo of the clean floors to prove it. Because living with a dog and four other people = crazy floors. No joke.

Ate some roasted peeps. More on that later this week.

Took a photo in the bathroom. I mean, why not?

What did you do this weekend?

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© IN ITS TIMEMaira Gall